1. 2025-taipei-cycle-show

    Taipei Cycle 2025

  2. Field Unit mobile workstand by Minoura and EVT, featuring a durable steel clamp, ergonomic handle, and stable base.

    Field Unit – Mobile Repair Stand Released

  3. Inspiring Journeys

    Notice of Year-End and New Year Holidays 2024…

  4. MoZ-Roller G2

    MOZ-ROLLER G2 Released


    Notice of Summer Holidays

  6. EMB-2B ボトルミュール

    EMB-2B Bottle Mule Released

  7. Dura-Cage AB100-4.5

    【Available in 21 Colors】Check Out the New You…

  8. VERGO Telescopic Slide Rail

    【Solve Your Bike Transport Woes!】Minoura VERG…

  9. Taipei Cycle 2024

  10. Eurobike 2023

  11. Taipei Cycle 2023

  12. Eurobike Show 2019

  1. Products

  2. Smart Turbo

  3. Trainers

  4. Transport

  5. Storage Stands

  6. Cargos

  7. Tools

  8. Accessories

  9. Discontinued Models

  1. product-bg

    Support Infomation

  2. Bicycle Exhibition at Bigsight 20230416

    Distributor List

  3. KAGURA Firmware

    KAGURA Firmware Updates

  1. 株式会社箕浦本社

    Company Information

  2. 株式会社箕浦本社

    Our Location & Directions

  3. KAGURA 神楽 LSF9300

    CEO’s Message


Minoura offers a warranty on all products sold through authorized Minoura retailers only. This may not include sellers on ebay or Amazon Marketplace.
It is the sole discretion of Minoura to honor or not honor any warranty for purchases made from third party online sellers.

Minoura now offers our most in demand products to retailers, distributors and consumers from our US warehouse.

About US Warehouse

Business hours
9 am – 7 pm EST
Technical & Warranty support
Phone : 888-522-2453

Only US consumers and retailers

Note to consumers and retailers

Before Purchasing the Product

Please contact the distributor in your country. Distributor can be found on the Distributor List.

After Purchasing the Product

We strongly recommend you to contact the shop where you originally purchased the product first. In the event if you have moved or the shop has been closed, you can contact us directly.

Warranty Service

Whole World consumers and retailers


  • Minoura will try to keep the necessary replacement parts up to 7 years after finishing the final production, but it could be possible to terminate the warranty due to the mold breakage, difficulty of getting parts & materials, or unexpected design change. At that time, we shall determine to switch to another parts or model. Minoura has the right how to settle each case.
  • Minoura is not responsible to restore the returned product to the original condition.
  • Minoura will not pay cash even if the product cannot be repaired.
  • Minoura is not responsible to any damage or loss which occurs during the process after shipping from Minoura factory. Negotiate with the courier company.

Warranty Policy

Warranty Term

1 year ( Date of revision : March 2014 )

Every term starts from the date of your purchase. If this date cannot be confirmed, it shall set to the factory shipping date.


Covered Under Warranty (free of charge)

  1. The original user who purchased in brand-new and unopened condition. This right is not transferable.
  2. Purchased at Minoura authorized dealer
  3. Any problem clearly occurred due to the manufacturer's defect
  4. Manufacturer's voluntary recall

*free of charge

Not Covered

Not Covered Under Warranty (not free)

  1. Expired warranty term (except above case 3 & 4)
  2. Any used product (except above case 3 & 4)
  3. Purchased at unauthorized dealer, unauthorized internet retailer, auction (either online or offline), free market, person-to-person exchange
  4. In the event if the owner cannot present the sales receipt as the evidence of the original owner
  5. Natural wear and deterioration
  6. Any modification, alteration or disassembly not approved by Minoura
  7. Any damage due to user's abuse or wrong handling
  8. Any claim alleged from user's own policy
  9. Damage caused by natural calamity, fire and war
  10. Any damage or loss occurred after shipping from Minoura factory

*not free

Warranty Process

How To Proceed Warranty

1. Judgement

Judge if it must be repaired or not

  1. Check each product page, FAQ or ask to the shop where you originally purchased the product to judge if it can or need to be repaired.
  2. Once you decided to repair the product, inform the following basic information to Minoura directly or through the shop via fax or email.


If the product has been returned to us without any prior notification and if it doesn't need to be repaired, we will return it to the owner at owner's expense.

2. Informing

Informing the basic information to Minoura

Once you decided to repair the product, inform the following basic information to Minoura directly or through the shop via fax or email.

  1. Your full name, Address, ZIP code, Daytime phone number, Fax number, Email address (No PO Box allowed. Please let us know your physical address)
  2. Model name (It must be as correctly as possible. Usually the product itself has its series name only. The correct model name is indicated on the package or instructions manual. If you know the SKU number, it would be helpful)
  3. Frame color, visible parts color or unique shape (these points are helpful to identify the exact model)
  4. Serial number (each trainer has its own serial number on the right side coupling tube or the base plate)
  5. Photocopy of the sales receipt (to confirm if you are the original owner of this product)
  6. Report of your claim or trouble as detailed as possible
  7. Parts list to change at same time (if you desire)
  8. Desired maximum budget for repairing (We will consider to keep the cost within this budget, but we don't guarantee it)

  • Serial number is indicated on trainer only. Any other products don't have serial number.
  • The trainer made on April 1, 2009 or later has a 10-digit number like as "AA01234567" on the right side coupling tube or the base plate.
  • Other trainers have a 2-story indication like as "ABC-0123 / VFS01234" with a white decal.

3. Quotation


Minoura will consider the repair contents by referring the information you send. If it can be repaired, we will quote the rough cost as well as the expected return date. If impossible, we will call you.

4. Return to Minoura

Return to Minoura   ( for U.S. residents only )

Once you accept the repair cost, send the product to Minoura together with the above necessary information.


Minoura Tech & Warranty Center

Attn: Jeff Zell

Phone : 1-510-538-8599

  • In case of warranty repair (free of charge), Minoura will issue you the shipping tag. If it requires you to pay, cover the shipping cost at your expense.
  • Ship only the entire part to be repaired. For example, you don't need to ship whole trainer to repair the Mag unit.

5. Terms of Repair

Terms of Repair

  • Basically, please allow us 2 weeks to return the repaired product.
  • If it requires the parts from Japan or the operation in our Japan headquarters, it would take 1 month.

6. Payment


Please issue a money-cheque and ship to the center.

  • We are sorry we don't accept any credit card.
  • There could be a chance to find out another necessary parts to repair when we see the actual returned product, so it would be possible the repair cost will have to be higher than our quote. We will ask you prior to proceeding the repair works.

7. Shipment


  • We are sorry we don't ship overseas, except to the military base (for example, APO address).
  • We are not allowed to ship to any P.O. Box.